We are so thankful to have an amazing network of volunteers who step up as our Classroom representatives to assist in communication for our teachers and staff.Please get to know your Classroom Captains and thank them for all their efforts to further your student's experience here at St. Mary Catholic School.
Each classroom has a Classroom Captain as a main point of contact that will work directly with the Advancement Director and Classroom Teacher.
Their roles are, but not limited to the following:
-Facilitate Communication between parents, teacher, and advancement director
-Act as liasons for the Parents Club to promote events, donations, fundraisers, classroom parties, or other special events
-Act as advocates for the classroom back to Parents Club
-Be available to act as a resource for New Parents
Interested in volunteering to be a Classroom Captain? Come to Parent's Club meeting to discuss the opportunities further!
Offering to be a Classroom Captain is a great way to be a Parent Leader on a more personal level. Working closely with a specific age group, class level, working with parents and teachers similtaneously is a very important way to impact the experience of that group going forward.
Interested in volunteering to be a Classroom Captain?
Come to Parent's Club meeting to discuss the opportunities further or reach out to Kathleen Olsen, Advancement Director at [email protected] to show your commitment to your student's class!