By purchasing Digital giftcards to the establishments you already frequent, businesses give back to our school! It is a win-win for the business and our school. Please consider creating an account with Raise Right to donate to St Mary Catholic School.
Raise Right Digital Scrip makes this much easier than you might think!!!
Do you shop online? How about with trusted companies like:
Amazon (who donates 1.7% of your purchase to St. Mary!)
Target (donating 2.5% of your purchase to St. Mary!)
DoorDash (Gives us the chance to earn 3% of your purchase for St. Mary!)
McDonald's (Also give us 3% of your purchase to St. Mary!)
But how do the funds that I purchase online apply to my purchases? Raise right can either email you a digital certificate that you can scan in store, load your online account with (Ask me how!) or in some instances mail a physical gift card to our school for you to pick up or to your home.
Have you ever purchased a gift card for your favorite nephew or for your child as a stocking stuffer? Have you ever ordered your Panda Express dinner online for easy pick up? These purchases can all help our school!
Enter the Code: 27C33DLF5624 at the following link to join St. Mary Catholic School today and help us to start earning funds the easy way!!!
Digital Scrip Link
If you have additional questions or need help, you can stop by the office or visit the digital engagement office on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays to get a full tutorial on how you can start helping us earn Digital Scrip for St. Mary Catholic School!
Questions? Email [email protected] or Call 509-924-4300 x 205